Riddhi – Bharatanatyam Margam (Geweest)

, | Natanam Academy of Dance and Arts
zondag 23 juni 2024 | 15:00 uur tot 18:00 uur

Duur: 3 uur incl. pauze

Experience the enchanting artistry of Bharatanatyam with Natanam Academy of Dance and Arts as they present a captivating Margam recital. Delve into the rich cultural tapestry of India through this mesmerizing performance, featuring exquisite choreography and graceful movements that narrate timeless tales.

Adding to the allure, talented musicians from various parts of Europe will accompany the dancers, infusing the performance with a fusion of traditional Indian rhythms and European melodies. Immerse yourself in the seamless blend of cultures and witness the magic unfold on stage.

Join us for an unforgettable evening of dance, music, and cultural exchange that celebrates the universal language of artistic expression. Book your tickets now and be transported to a realm of beauty and harmony.

info: shyamawarrier@gmail.com

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